to the surreal world of
Discover the creative labyrinth - an unprecedented journey into the mind of a wordsmith and innovative artist, the expansive digital library showcasing the multifaceted works of Kir Roberts. Educated in the classical liberal arts, occasionally weaving form, language and thought into intricate and mesmerising masterpieces.
Unearth writings rooted in wisdom traditions, hypnotic visual wonders, and explore the embodiment of intellectual adventure, all while nurturing your appreciation for the timeless beauty of the classical liberal arts.
Dive in, embark on a voyage of discovery and enrichment, and explore the creativity that is the Archetypal Cartography of Kir Roberts.
labours of love
Commentary to Miyamoto Musashi's '五輪書'
Translating Dr. Francisco Navarro de Xativa's horrific astrological treatise for Felipe III de España
Philosophical treatise analysing metaphors of verticality, inspired by Gaston Bachelard's 'Poetics of Space'
A semi-truthful animist history of the Cornish peninsula
Suggested reading
Contact me for any reason, especially if you would like an astrology reading.
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